Thursday, September 25, 2008

ARCH 1162 - "Bricks as Image" part 7 (Corner of Essex Street and Harrington Street)

Bricks could also be seen in modern condo apartments. The modern brick could be seen as to be very similar to the old form of brick in terms of decoration however the structural element of the building will be totally different. A structural brick building will not be able to hold such a tall building on its own therefore support like steel or reinforced concrete must be used in order for it to stand.
The brick work which we could see from the photos is used for decoration reasons. The difference in extrusion of the building created interesting pattern through the walls of the building.
The difference in rendering on the brick is also used to create a gradient of colour as the building will look quite dull with only a single colour for its exterior. From the previous examples we could see that popular rendering colouring will involve dark orange or clay yellow as these colours resemble the idea of earth directly.

Duncan Chang

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