Thursday, September 25, 2008

ARCH1162 - "Bricks as Image" part 6 (29 Playfair Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia)

These terrace houses are constructed using clay bricks however very thick paint is ran over the brick work in order to hide its true identity. The reason for this is probably because the original brickwork isn’t very appealing or the fact that the owner wants a more contemporary look to the house but doesn’t want to rebuild the house using more modern material.
The bricks were painted over with vibrant colours which resemble the original brick colour so that wont seen as obvious that the building was repainted.
Timber was also used throughout the building for structural purposes for example the roof and its window were all constructed using timber probably because timber will be a light load and a cheap source of material at the time.
Bricks in the building will be used structurally to hold the house as one at the base.

Duncan Chang

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